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Author: Tanya Nicole
Bio: Family Girl, Counselor, Vegan, Semi Crazy Cat Lady, A Comedian Without A Stage, Starting over for stating facts about The First Harlot!! #Resistance #VoteBlue
Year 2020 genres Romance, Comedy USA Director Nina May Actor Benjamin Dane. อยากให้ร้องเป็นภาษาไทยจัง. First lady of lourdes. First lady nails. This is legit I wanna support this content jealousy and money is 👿 and the intro beat 💯. This is the song that my first love sent me and everytime i hear this my heart cries...
First lady day spa kingsport tn. [age] 19 [height] 5�10�� [weight] 135 [background] Drug geek is what you may call someone of my nature. I am one who is fascinated by the effects that drugs can have on the human mind and am excited to experiment with them myself. My past experiments were conducted on what the internet calls �legal highs� these include such drugs as the Blue Lotus, Kratom, Kava Kava, DXM, Morning Glory Seeds and Salvia. [prequel] The purpose of these experiments is to find the factors that leads to what kind of drug experience the user occurs. When one is tripping they don�t actually physically see with there eyes what they describe however there mind is telling them what they are viewing. Could I control what visually I am about to receive? These are questions that I intend to answer. Listed below are four different times that I have attempted to reach my goal on salvia. There are listed in order of occurrence. Note: there were more attempts that listed below in this two year period. These are just some highlights of the passage in my familiarity with salvia. [# /salvia trips/first time] It was a quiet morning and no one was expected in the house for some time. Having read many trip reports on this substance I was entirely confused on what this drug could actually produce. I had no purpose for taking this substance at the time other than curiosity. (this is two years prior) I had read many unpleasant reports and had some concerns that the trip might go bad. However these concerns were not enough to stop the experiment. I proceed to load up a homemade bong with maybe 50mg of the plane leaf. Inhaled it all then reloaded two more times. We have now reached the limit of no return. The drug hit me more different than I was expecting. Thought was dulled and I was being pulled by salvias gravity. I wasn�t ready for it. I began to fight these changes and I grew scared that I may loose contact with this reality. Unfortunately for me salvia is stronger than an altered mind and the trip grew more intense. My heart started racing I feared that I was having a heart attack and I was started to get tunnel vision. I was not very experienced in drugs at this time and I thought that this one was going to kill me. I prayed to god to make it stop and make it go away, I told him that I had learned my lesion and I would never touch this stuff again� �Well time is the cure to all wounds and all that praying took a lot of time. I was coming back to normal my heart rate was stabilizing and I was no longer having a panic attack. I didn�t keep my promise though, it was nearly a year after this experience that I interest in salvia had risen again. [# /salvia trips/Trippy visuals] �It would be cool to see some trippy visuals. � that was my thought before going into my salvia trip. This seemed to be my only goal at the time as I filled up my pipe. I had gotten this 6x extraction from an online vender after having no luck with the �standard� stuff. I now held the pipe up to my mouth and lit the contents with a butane lighter as I counted backwards slowly from 30 seconds. Three times I repeated this process until I had taken roughly 1/10 of a gram. And that�s when it hit me not even 30 seconds as I began to feel this sensation of something buzzing of tickling on my sides. It began to move up more and more before it stopped at my forehead. At this point I knew what I should do and I closed my eyes as this sensation now formed a triangle of tanginess on my forehead. This cased some vivid like dreaming a dream in which I could control. I smile ripped across my face as I forced this dream to put me on a roller coaster ride. The only difference between this and real life is that I was watching it happen and living it at the same time kind of like how when you play a video game it has the view like there�s a camera behind your character or you can change to 1st person view. Although this was fun I grew curious of what was happening to the outside world so I decided to open my eyes. I was at this time sitting on my a chair with my feet on the leg rest, I only mention this now because when I looked down at them, my feet, they were getting furthered and furthered away. It was in the cartoon Inspector Gadget with his extendable arms and legs except for I wasn�t controlling it. This provoked a �wooh� reaction from me and as I look around nothing else seams to be out of the place so I decide I need a smoke (cant smoke in the house). While sitting down I felt fine however after only making it half way up on the 1st try I came to the conclusion that I was still feeling the side affects (little dizzy) however I decided to try and risk it. When making it out of my room I looked down the hallway and much to my surprise the it was twisted at the end. (The floor was were the left hand wall should be and the ceiling was where the right hand wall should have been. ) I was able (somehow) to make it all the away downstairs and outside without falling. I smoked my cigarette and came back in and decided that most noticeable affects were gone. Salvia had accomplished its task of giving me some �trippy visuals�. After 1 hour all affects were gone and I was back to the same old me. [# /salvia trips/the lady] I am quite the regular with my experiences of salvia. I mostly have just the feeling of some unexplained gravity source and the overall physical feeling of the high. However this was not the case in on off my most recent adventures. It was about 2:40 on a day of my summer break when I decided that I would like to enjoy some of this sweet substance. I had taken no drugs today so I thought it would be a nice day to test out my new pipe that I got in the mail that very morning. I then proceeded up to my room in which I closed my door and dimmed the lights. I used about. 15g of salvia 6x I would estimate, this being 3 times the normal amount I normally smoke (before I limited to the pipe size as a amount of what I could smoke). I took the biggest hit I could and held it in for 30 seconds at which time I began my trip. Now during my trips I like to film myself to see if there�s anything that I couldn�t remember what happened the video could fill me in on (that�s just a little fyi). I began explaining to my camera about this feeling that I was having. I explained it as being �little bumps of happiness that keep on hitting me on my right side. � I was laughing when I said this and had a big grim ripple across my face. The usual feelings where there as well this weird gravitational pull and this overall feeling of spinning and weird sensations on my skin. I was happy with this feeling and never stopped laughing until the very end. That�s when I picked up the pipe and butane lighter and took another hit. I timed this hit to be 40 seconds. Same feelings arouse as in previous encounters but with what I would call a light hallucination. I began to start looking at some light projected on the wall from the blinded curtains. Only to my surprise to have them start dancing and moving about nearly to anytime I would ask them to do so. This is when my eyes started exploring other parts of the room while they wondered over to my right. I saw what I believed to be a lady and I only say �what I believe to be� because it wasn�t a full sharp and clear hallucination it was more like It was its just excepted to be there (if that makes any sense at all). Her figure was made out of neon color lights in the shape of a small @ sign. I then had the knowledge that there were many rooms that were just like mine connected to me on the other side of my closed door and I knew that there were at lest 100 of them. I could literally see (with eyes closed) all of these rooms hovering over some glowing red substance which I presumed to be magma. The lady that appeared slightly oversized in my room is very oversized in the larger magma chamber. The room that I was in was mealy a small animal to her. In comparison it is the same ratio as to which I would look at a rabbit. This lady was trying to roll up my room but was having a hard time because of all the other rooms connected. This is when I tried explaining the situation to the camera about how the lady was there and etc. but it was more of a useless babble other than words with some meaning so since every other word was followed by a laugh. I waited for everything to calm down and I looked at the timer for my trip only lasted 8min and 22sec but it was a fun time. My only regret is that there making it illegal to buy or sell it in Illinois which is were my supplier lives which means that to get it legally I have to find someone else. [# /salvia trips/last trip? ] [set/setting] I am most comfortable when I am alone. This being a drug that I defiantly want to be comfortable with my environment. There was no sitter present and the precautions for my safety was to go up into my room and close the door also to put something heavy in front of it. I would have my computer running with my web cam attachment to record anything that I may of missed this would also serve as basis of what the casual viewer might of saw if he or she would have glanced in my room. Furthermore I have found that I like to talk about my experience, this has proven to benefit in the long run for those more accurate details. [experience] I took the three largest hits that I could muster holding them for 30 seconds with only one breath between. I began to look around the dimmed room glancing for some changes in my environment. Much to my surprise when I was transfixed by the shadow projected by a TV on the wall when it started to fluctuate. It was as if someone or something was causing a ripe of about one fourth an inch in amplitude to incorporate into the edge of the shadow. The experience was getting more intense at this time. I was now looking at my right side and my left side because I felt the pressure crushing my body. Looking forward I saw what appeared be a bright light at the end of a tunnel. The light from the tunnel was touching my sides (possibly the pressure that I felt) and it was leading to a V ending at my web cam about 1 foot in front of me. I remember thinking at that time that the light must be good and it was leading me somewhere. This could have been my guide for a deeper trip if I would have followed. However I did have a agenda and I must proceed on. I closed my eyes and hoped for the best praying that I would open them and be in a distant off spoken land. No such luck but something strange was happening out of the corner of my eyes. To my right there lay a mini frig with some power cords laying next to it (normally). I was scanning the room and sure enough in the corner of my eye I saw those cords transform into a plunger and then into a yard gnome but before I could turn my head around they changed back. My eyes were hurting from providing the light so that I would be a good shot with the camera. Naturally I closed them and something I read somewhere just clicked at that moment �You cant just trip by staring at an object, you must look beyond it and open your minds eye. � So I laid there for a moment open to all thought and suggestion. Something was coming, it was more of a feeling at first but then it began to manifest itself mentally to me. I was in a field of this long dark pine colored grass that reached up to waist high. In front of me was the ocean it waves were pound the cliff line out far in the distance, the water was a dark blue clean and crisp. The sky above me was the natural blue color with no clouds to be found. These words give no justice to what I saw because I am not a big fan of nature but that scene was the most beautiful place I have ever been. I mutter some gibberish to the camera trying to describe this heaven on earth. It was hard to concentrate on the words that I was saying and there were a lot of repeated stuff. About two minutes of talking yielded �there was grass and it was green oh and there�s water to�. All of that talking makes me loose this place or perhaps I was just coming down at this moment. The trip took about 8 minutes. I was fairly pleased with the results. [end of trip stories] [answers] Now with all of my data collected I now go back to the question I originally proposed. 1. The purpose of these experiments is to find the factors that leads to what kind of drug experience the user occurs. Answer: I believe that it is the perception of the taker that effects what he/she is about to experience. The users personality, preconceived notions and current mood all play into what could happen. Thus if I�m scared of what might happen then that will intensify. If I think that I will laugh all the way through I will. If I think I will have visuals and taken the proper dosage then I will. 2. With the assumption that salvia is effecting the mind on a conscious level could the user actually control how intense the experience is? Answer: No. The drug is effecting the way that the brain is operation. Different levels of dosage do control how intense a experience can be. There are some people that can just �ride with it� making it appear that the trip is more fluid but that doesn�t change the actual intensity on the mind. 3. Could I control what visually I am about to receive? Answer: I say yes. Maybe not on a conscious level but embedded into my ego these visuals are going to mean something to me. It could be symbolic/metaphoric meaning or it could just be something that I saw in the past that I just forgot about. Exp Year: 2007 ExpID: 63532 Gender: Male Age at time of experience: Not Given Published: Jun 25, 2007 Views: 13, 130 [ View as PDF (for printing)] [ View as LaTeX (for geeks)] [ Switch Colors] Salvia divinorum (44): Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), Retrospective / Summary (11) COPYRIGHTS: All reports are copyright Erowid and you agree not to download or analyze the report data without contacting Erowid Center and receiving permission first. Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the individual authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.
First lady 2. Cutest first lady I've ever seen. First ladyz. First lady. Love you so much my idol. First lady michelle. First lady mckinley crossword.
God bless you Mr and Mrs Trump. 🙏🏻🇺🇸🦅. First last bible. First last excel. The I feel like this lady, although experiencing luxuries and fame now, has never forgotten her own humble beginnings in Communist Slavenia. She probably has more love, understanding and respect for this country then most of the people born here. God bless you our beautiful First Lady. First lady permanente turlock ca. First lady booed. 19:25 dont tryna smash. hold on. u aint say anything about that. 😂😂😂😂. First lady. និយាយទៅបទ បងថេណាពិរោះណាស់. SHE IS A GOOD LADY! LEAVE HER ALONE. Miss him soooo much but I'm OK. First lady nails west hills ca. First lady movie part 3. ฟังเพลงนี้แล้วอยากไปคอน นึกถึงตอนที่พึ่งปล่อยเวอร์หลักแล้วต้องพยายามจำเนื้อเพราะกลัวไปร้องในคอนไม่ได้55555555555555555.
First lady nails liverpool ny. First ladygaga. This still my song 2019 💯 the lyrics so real tbh. First lady laura bush. Oh those memories w/ my crush. It's already 2019 and I still don't know who is this First Lady singer. I was imagining that she can moan hard. Sorry. First lady church suits. First last gateway youth. DECATUR REDD I SEE TO YOU. MUCH LOVE FAM.
2020មាននាក់ស្ដាប់អត់. First lady meaning. First lady trailer. របស់គេនៅតែជារបស់យេីង😂. 8 here since i first discovered this song, and yes its true much more meaning full now. I love this song my cousin let me listen to it in her phone. First lady of song. Which two first ladies met their husbands through local newspapers? Who was the first First Lady to make regular nationwide radio broadcasts? Which First Lady cared for wounded soldiers in her husband’s command? Who was originally a Broadway actress before becoming the First Lady? If you’re looking to learn more about the past First Ladies who have helped lead our country, you’re in the right place. Take a look at our full set of biographies. Then, quiz your friends. Learn More About Each First Lady Martha Dandridge Custis Washington Abigail Smith Adams Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson Dolley Payne Todd Madison Elizabeth Kortright Monroe Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams Rachel Donelson Jackson Hannah Hoes Van Buren Anna Tuthill Symmes Harrison Letitia Christian Tyler Julia Gardiner Tyler Sarah Childress Polk Margaret Mackall Smith Taylor Abigail Powers Fillmore Jane Means Appleton Pierce Harriet Lane Mary Todd Lincoln Eliza McCardle Johnson Julia Dent Grant Lucy Ware Webb Hayes Lucretia Rudolph Garfield Ellen Lewis Herndon Arthur Frances Folsom Cleveland Caroline Lavinia Scott Harrison Ida Saxton McKinley Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt Helen Herron Taft Ellen Axson Wilson Edith Bolling Galt Wilson Florence Kling Harding Grace Anna Goodhue Coolidge Lou Henry Hoover Anna Eleanor Roosevelt Elizabeth Virginia Wallace Truman Mamie Geneva Doud Eisenhower Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy Claudia Taylor (Lady Bird) Johnson Patricia Ryan Nixon Elizabeth Bloomer Ford Rosalynn Smith Carter Nancy Davis Reagan Barbara Pierce Bush Hillary Rodham Clinton Laura Welch Bush Michelle Obama Melania Trump.
My khmer friend send this song to me, to confess his feelings towards me😆.
There're many foreigners here thanks for watching his MV. First lady barbara bush. The headline is an oxymoron. Trump has no honor and therefore cannot honor others. His presence is an insult and a disgrace. First lady remix. Don't Hoopz got like 5 brothers and always fought them all? I knew what this was going to be before it started. It was still terrible. ผมคนไทยชอบเพลงนี้ของคุณมากครับ.
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Trump ist kein Multimillionär... I'm so late. Sandy Springs park in Maryville, TN? I live in Townsend, but used to live close to that park if that's the one. Sara Netanyahu faces fresh allegations of mistreating staff a week before Israeli elections Sara and Benjamin Netanyahu on a visit to Uganda this month. Photograph: Sumy Sadurni/AFP via Getty Images A former housekeeper at Benjamin Netanyahu’s official residence is suing the Israeli prime minister’s wife, Sara, for $190, 000 (£148, 000) in damages for pain and suffering allegedly caused during her employment there. The woman’s lawyer, Opheer Shimson, said his client worked at the residence for five months until last November when she was injured in a fall allegedly resulting from what he described as Sara Netanyahu’s tyrannical demands. He said the woman, an immigrant from France in her mid-50s who wished to keep her identity secret, kept a diary detailing the verbal abuse she received. “She adores the prime minister and saw her work at his home as a form of national service, ” Shimson said. “But she’s been traumatised by her experience. Everyone knew what was going on there and no one can say otherwise. ” Sara Netanyahu has been accused of abusive behaviour toward her personal staff before. This, together with accusations of excessive spending and using public money on her own extravagant personal tastes, has earned her an image as the Israeli Imelda Marcos, the Philippines’ former first lady who became infamous for her collection of designer shoes. Last year Sara Netanyahu was convicted of misusing state funds after she reached a plea bargain settling allegations that she overspent $100, 000 of state money on lavish meals. She had previously been indicted for alleged graft, fraud and breach of trust. In 2016 a court ruled that the prime minister’s wife had mistreated a housekeeper and awarded the man $42, 000 in damages. Several other employees have accused her of abuse, mistreatment and harassment. Another pending lawsuit alleges she forbade a former staffer to eat or drink on the job and required her to change her clothes dozens of times a day. The plaintiff, who is also seeking damages, says Sara Netanyahu also required her to wash her hands dozens of times a day and to dry them with towels separate from the ones used by the Netanyahu family. The Netanyahus have angrily rejected all the charges, calling them part of a media-orchestrated campaign against the family to oust them from power. Israel heads to the polls next week for its third election in less than a year. Two weeks later, Benjamin Netanyahu is due to go on trial on charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust stemming from accusations that he accepted lavish gifts from billionaire friends and promised to promote advantageous legislation for a newspaper in exchange for favourable coverage. The latest allegations against Sara Netanyahu include details of critical comments she made against some of those who worked for her. Shimson said the housekeeper’s diary would be presented in court as evidence. “Enough, save me, I want to die, the problem is that I don’t have any choice and everyone knows that, ” reads one of the diary entries, first published by Israel’s Channel 12 News. “It’s impossible to live every day with a psychopath. I’m dying to leave before it’s too late. ” In another entry, she said Sara Netanyahu had screamed at her for forgetting to throw out the rubbish, called her stupid and dirty and demanded she take a shower. The woman wrote that Sara Netanyahu had accused her of trying to cause friction with the prime minister. “She said to me: ‘What do you want? For me to be like you, divorced? ’” she wrote. “Even the prime minister told her to stop. She was in a trance. In the afternoon she had a fit, lay down on the ground, screamed and screamed like a lunatic, and shook with rage. She rolled around on the floor and said that all of that was because of me. ” The ruling Likud party denounced the TV report about the lawsuit as a “cruel, false, recycled and gossipy piece that was timed for release on the eve of elections and whose purpose was to harm the Likud”.
First last. Pres was describing his experience and he described his relationship with the first lady as "seperated. " Is it possible they still aren't divorced? She still tweets supporting barstool and Pres all the time and they were hanging out recently. I think it'd be cool if they wound up back together, Pres seemed happier when he had that stability. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast level 1 I do not believe they are divorced level 1 I’m fairly convinced they have taken zero divorce steps level 1 They aren't divorced. I could see them getting back once barstool isn't trying to grow as much and is more stable. Renee clearly still supports dave and barstool in general level 2 I would too if I was one of the largest shareholders. level 2 Ride or die chick. My First Lady. level 1 Smitty calling the demise of KFC radio was BOLD level 2 Didn’t he say the worst thing he can do legally is Cheat? There’s no demise of KFC Radio. It’s staying, but it probably was the biggest reason for most of his fights with his wife with the things he would say on there. level 1 I didn't listen today but have read most of the recap. Did they just straight up talk about the kfc cheating for 2 hours straight? Or was there other topics where it was more fun (which would have been completely awkward)? level 2 Two hours straight my dude level 1 They’re definitely not divorced. They may be legally separated. If not they’re obviously living separately. level 1 Comment deleted by user 2 years ago ( 0 children) The official subreddit. This is Barstool Sports. By the Common Man, For the Common Man. Viva la Stool. Reddit Inc © 2020. All rights reserved.
And next week, first lady Melania Trump is set to travel to India, alongside her husband, President Donald Trump, for a brief, two-day visit which will continue the long and rich tradition of modern first ladies soaking up the culture and hospitality of the nation. The first lady is scheduled to participate in events with the President, in Ahmedabad and Agra, but she will also venture solo to a school to witness a unique curriculum, a White House official told CNN. The India visit is one of several foreign trips the first lady has made with her husband. Jackie Kennedy The tradition started most notably with Jacqueline Kennedy, who in 1962 spent several days in India without her husband, President John F. Kennedy, opting instead to make it a girls' trip with her sister, Lee Radziwill. Kennedy's tour was part of a goodwill visit, prompted by the United States Ambassador to India, John Kenneth Galbraith, who encouraged the first lady to see all that the country had to offer, which the sisters did. There were day trips to tour monuments, a ride on a camel, a boat down the Ganges River. Kennedy, then 32, proved the fashion icon in India that women in America had come to emulate. For a State Dinner in her honor, she wore a long, white strapless gown, and for a palace visit in Udaipur, Kennedy opted for an apricot silk dress by her couturier Oleg Cassini. Asked by the press how she felt about India, Kennedy replied, "It's been a dream. " As Melania Trump is slated to do during her upcoming India trip, Kennedy held a photo opportunity at the Taj Mahal. Alone, in a printed green and white dress with white gloves, the first lady stood alone in front of the massive structure, built in 1632 by Shah Jahan in memorial to his favorite wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died giving birth to the couple's fourteenth child. The Trumps are scheduled to tour the memorial at sunset. Pat Nixon Seven years after Kennedy, Patricia Nixon arrived alongside her husband, Richard Nixon, in 1969. The visit of Nixon remains the shortest of any US President; the first couple were just there for one day. Rosalynn Carter The next, and perhaps one of the most significant first lady visits was that of Rosalynn Carter, the wife of President Jimmy Carter, who spent two days there in 1978 with her husband as part of a larger international sojourn for the first couple -- with other stops in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, France and Belgium. Carter joined her husband on their second day in India for a drive to the village of Chuma Kheragaon, about an hour south of Delhi. With her, she brought small items of goodwill from the United States, but she and the President also gifted the town with its first and only television. Rosalynn Carter was enveloped by the local women, who draped her head in a customary red veil, and from a young villager dotted her forehead with a bindi, a Hindu tradition. Though they only spent an hour or so touring the village, the townspeople were so enamored with the Carters they renamed their village Carterpuri, a name that remains to this day. Barbara Bush In 1984, Barbara Bush, then second lady, while her husband George H. W. Bush served as Vice President, traveled with him to India for a brief goodwill visit. The Bushes, as millions of couples before them, also made time for a photograph in front of the Taj Mahal. Hillary Clinton As first lady, Hillary Clinton's first significant solo international trip was a 12-day tour of Southeast Asia In 1995, which she took with her daughter, Chelsea, then 15. The pair made sure to set aside three days for India, taking advantage of the sights and cultural traditions, which included a visit to lay a wreath at a memorial of Mahatma Gandhi. Hillary, too, posed in front of the Taj Mahal in Agra, as had Jackie Kennedy, only she included Chelsea. Clinton's trip was aimed at promoting education and opportunity, as well as better health rights, for women and girls all over the world. It included giving a speech in Ahmenabad, about the strength of women in numbers at the Self-Empowered Women's Association. Clinton returned to India for a solo trip as first lady, in 1997, for the funeral of Mother Teresa in Calcutta. Laura Bush In 2006, it was Laura Bush's turn to visit the country, and she did so for all of 60 hours, making her and President George W. Bush's stay the shortest since the Nixons. However, Bush packed her schedule with events, from a visit to a school, to a stop at Mother Teresa's Jeevan Jyoti school for disabled children, a ceremonial reception to lay a wreath at the memorial of Gandhi, and even a tour of Noida Film City, where most of India's Bollywood sets and television shows are produced. (At the latter, Bush taped a segment for "Gali Gali Sim Sim, " India's version of "Sesame Street. " Michelle Obama For Michelle Obama, the 2010 trip to India she took with President Barack Obama proved one of the first times a global audience recognized the informal, down-to-earth nature of the first lady. "Dancing Queen Michelle Rocks India, " was the headline in the Times of India on the day after Obama threw herself into a folk-dance routine at a cultural event, and swayed along to a musical performance at a Mumbai school. During a speech to college students, also in Mumbai, Michelle Obama spoke for several minutes about how important it is to dream big, and how her childhood, while short on material goods, was big on experiences, learning and inspiration. She also talked about her closeness to Indian culture, including her deftness in the nation's dance moves, which she picked up at the White House State Dinner for India. "Last year, as you know, we were proud to host Prime Minister Singh and Mrs. Kaur for our very first state visit and dinner. It was a beautiful evening under a tent on the South Lawn of the White House, and we got to hear some pretty great Bhangra as well. I danced there, too, " Obama said. "When I was your age, I never dreamed of traveling to countries like this and meeting with young people like all of you. " Her style was a hit, as well. Early in her tenure, it was already clear Obama demonstrated a savvy use of fashion diplomacy, subtly nodding to the host country on this trip by wearing a long tunic and shimmering skirt to a formal dinner, designed by American designer Rachel Roy, whose father is from India. In 2015, Michelle Obama returned to India for her second-ever trip there -- wearing a dress and matching coat by noted Indian designer Bibhu Mohapatra -- again with her husband. This repeat visit's purpose was less cultural in nature, and more political, in large part to forge a bond with India's new Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. Modi feted the Obamas at India's Republic Day parade, honoring them as special guests of the national holiday. Modi will likely pull off similar pageantry for the Trumps next week as he continues to forge a friendship with the US.
First m apartments. あぁぁぁぁぁぁ 好きです尊みが深い 原曲も好きだしluzくんのもいい!. คุณศิเมื่อกี้เลยยยยย. First ladys. First lady of the united states. First lady melania trump. First lady fitness. First lady fashion. Joan Rivers said it best before she died, “Michelle is a guy” & thats a fact. First lady 2 cast. หุ่นเฮียตอนนี้ผมว่าโอเครแล้วนะ พี่นุช ผมตอนนี้เลือดพุ่งหมดตัวแล้วมั้งคับ555. First lady bird. Lung sne Tena hx ><. First lady of song crossword.
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